Welcome to our little corner of the internet! If you’re here, it means that you love sci fi and podcasts. Maybe you also love sisters. As you may have guessed, See You Next Week …in Space! is the sci fi podcast featuring real life sisters Amy and Sarah Walsh. Each week listen as we break down your favorite sci fi TV series and films.

What sets us apart from other sci fi podcasts you ask? Didn’t you see that whole “we’re sisters” thing? Want more? Well, this podcast is inspired by the fact that Sarah has been deeply committed to sci fi since she can remember. Amy, on the other hand, would rather watch paint dry. Each week we weigh in on some of the classics of the genre to see if sister can win over sister with just the right sci fi plot.

No luck so far…

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Sears family photo circa 1989


Amy lives, works, and podcasts from Brooklyn, New York and wishes she could be watching horror movies. Some of her most hated sci fi titles are Star Wars and Star Trek; basically, anything about space. She’s got it tough.

Sarah is a professor who lives and podcasts from Melbourne, Australia. Her first memories of watching sci fi revolve around Star Trek: TNG, which remains one of her forever favorites. Some of her other top picks include: Firefly, Twilight Zone, Electric Dreams, The Last Starfighter, Stargate, and Sorry to Bother You.